Sunday, August 3, 2014

Here we are already heavily invested in the month of July, and ready to begin August.  Hard to believe time is passing so quickly.  Hopefully all of us are making the most of every sunny day.  It is such a pleasure to be able to get outside and enjoy nature.  Everything is so beautiful, what a smorgasbord for the senses.

        Growing up, I loved the summer because of the intensity of busy schedule’s in our family were pulled back.  During the summer we could just be lazy.  It also seemed to be a season where our family could spend more time together.  My dad would take the month of August off and we would all “hang out” swimming, playing racquet ball and attempting tennis.      The down side of August was we all knew September would bring us back to our paces and probably our ability to just BE together would lessen.  It was the comradery of understanding and care that made our summers so rewarding. 

        So it is, our relationships that we tend, care for and nurture is what brings us such enjoyment.  Being there and showing understanding, giving a shoulder to cry on or a warm hug expressing the joy of victory.  People caring for people and lifting the load of one’s loneliness.  When we isolate ourselves from pain and damaged emotions we suffer a great loss.  We were created to interact with one-another. To be relational and up-lifting.  Taking our experiences and from our healing share the results for someone else’s victory.  Life becomes exponentially better when we add value to someone else.  No matter how long we each may live, alone we cannot possibly learn everything we need to know.  Learning comes in bits and pieces and interacting with our fellow relationships.  We give and take, making life better for ourselves and others.  The design of God is for love to nurture his creation.  We learn how to become more like him by learning how to love as he would.  True spiritual maturity is the result of learning how to lay down one’s life for the sake of another.

        I’m sure we all know the pain of hope deferred and yet God can take all that away with loving relationships.  This is why we need to value those God gives us.  His plan for our lives is perfect and also designed to bring about Good.  We may struggle through issues and at times the stress of it all may seem endless.  However, there is always an ending to a season and the fresh beginning of a new one.  God will bring those beautiful summer days to your life.  The days of rest and tranquility.  The time when being surrounded by love and understanding creates the most wonderful memories. 

        So, although life will always have its bumps, we have a promise of love!  We have a promise of mercy!  We have a promise of starting over!  We can experience the joy of the greatest memory you may hold in your heart, throughout our life.  In our communication between those we love let us remember communicating is to improve the silence.  It is listening with your heart.  This is just what God does for us.  He listens with His heart and speaks into our silence.

        Enjoy your days my friend.  Take everything as a gift from God.  Learn from your living and enjoy August.  It could be one of the best months so far this year.  It could mark a brand new beginning for you and your loved ones!

        Let’s continue to pray for one another and believe for the best.

“Until The Next Time”

Pastor Kathie