Sunday, November 29, 2015

“It’s Just A Thought”

        If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. God, Our Father chose to go far, that is why He called us to come into relationship with Him. Our Father so desires the world to see a family of believers working, praising, communing and most importantly loving one another. We are to represent a unity of purpose to those in the world who are looking for stability. Did we ever think that perhaps more people would attend church if they felt it had relevance in their lives? If they could witness a living day to day reality of definition, respect and compassion for all life perhaps they would be more open to HEAR what we have to say.

        The love of God is attained within the context of unity. Unity begins with each individual, hence our need for healing and deliverance. It is not enough to say we love God. We receive love from God and this must flow to others. In our love toward one another we are literally celebrating the presence of God in each other’s life. Our Father wants his children to exhibit the peace of God as we worship our Lord in harmony. This unity of love and purpose commands the blessing of God. Unity feeds our hearts with an ongoing desire for harvest. Harvest is really the demonstration of the agape love of God for the world through us. His living church made of sons and daughters, to God be the Glory!!

         Love is the focus of the Cross. It is who Jesus Christ is. His life was not ministry to crowds, although He did that. It was not His gifting, His ability to prophecy, or laying down His life. The central intention of Christ was to fulfill the intention of His Father; Show the world my love. Love sent Christ, love sustained Christ and love brought us into His all-powerful rule over life, death and the grave. A great out poring of the love of God is coming and with it judgement, criticism, cold hearts, religion, pride and division will be removed. Love will flow like a river and cleanse us all from all unrighteousness. Love will be our virtue. We will once again see without it, we are nothing and all our works are in vain.

        All authority must be governed in love, or it is not truly authentic. Signs, wonders and miracles will be demonstrated in areas of great love. May God be allowed to show us our true condition and the quality of our relationships and fellowship. May we ask God to breakdown all areas of offense and remove our cold hearts.

        As the “new man” comes forth, may we leave behind all of our pride and self-comfort. It is in our sacrifice of praise in our times of pain that we grow into the mature son and daughter. May we choose to forgive and love instead of revenge. May we sacrifice our time to lift someone else up while waiting for our turn to see a greater victory. Our motivation in life must please God, and then we all will be properly prepared to go forth in the Name of the Lord.

Until The Next Time,

Prophet Kathie 

Saturday, July 11, 2015

“It’s Just A Thought”

       Can I have a few minutes of your time? I would like to say if I may, “time out for speech that causes confusion”. As leaders it is imperative to be careful of how we explain our point of view. We cannot muse aloud. We cannot let every thought passing through our mind, leave our mouth. Our words form pictures in our and others thought life. If we are not careful one word or sentence can send our team reeling and lose all focus of keeping a peace filled atmosphere of help and hope.
Focus is the absolute driving force behind anything that is worth doing. We cannot allow ourselves frivolous distractions that take us away from our day. Most of the time things will come our way that try to get our attention and probably don’t absolutely matter. Just because we are in a whirl-wind of activity does not mean it is worthwhile. Is our focus giving direction to our goal? Or are we attracted to our distractions? We cannot just spend time (which is fleeting) on our interests. We must keep our intentions on the purpose of impact. Yes, our goal must be are we impacting others with our leadership? When people are around us our attitude sends a message. Each day is a gift to be used wisely. Our thoughts need a constant editing. It is not always easy but very productive for our emotional health and that of the team.

          Our greatest asset in our spiritual tool box is prayer. Prayer brings to our life the presence of God. He gives us peace, peace gives us the ability to think clearly. We cannot fix everything, only our thing. The helmet of Salvation protects our minds from the dysfunction of our jaded world. How we think, speak and act creates the atmosphere for success or failure. To walk out into today’s world, we must first check ourselves. Bring every thought captive and submitted to the word of God.
          If we keep in the front of our mind this thought: “For today, Keep the Main Thing, the Main Thing.” We will dismiss the white chatter, distractions from others and our own predisposition to follow the rabbit down his hole. Our work ethic can make the difference between success or failure. Get use to the feeling of being overwhelmed. That is very normal for the one leading events, strategies and problem solving. However, we must find our way through the maze of emotions and not become a victim to our own calendar. Don’t approach every task on your list with the same focus and energy. You Can’t! The drain will not be sustainable on your body, mind, or spirit.

          Don’t lead from fear. Don’t make decisions from fear. But rather, let yourself take that extra moment to step back and regain composure. May we all try to understand more thoroughly the difference between a situation and a crisis. Certainly most of us reading this are not dealing with crises on a daily basis. We all certainly have what can be considered “big deals”, but putting your calm foot forward and that of your team can make all the difference! Yes keep the to do list fluid and what needs to be chipped away at ‘today’, must be the most important focus on your time. Remember, we have to handle what only we can do. Then let our delegated team members handle the rest.

          Your strengths make a positive impact on the team and the overall project you are implementing. However, we are not great at everything. We are not God, and need to remember if our words are impacting negatively, there will be loss of progress, and a waste of good energy. If we are smart, we will surround ourselves with people who supplement our weakness. They are our greatest asset.

          Give your life, your team and your God the proper respect necessary. What we do, will be what we mentor into others. Let us be careful to slow down and handle life with care. Not every day and every task is always going to be a smooth ride. However, it can be so much more effective if we keep ourselves in the moment. After all how did you get to today?

One Step at a Time!

Until The Next Time,

Prophet Kathie

Thursday, June 18, 2015

“It’s Just A Thought”
  Happy Father’s Day Letter
  To every Father, may you enjoy a beautiful day of affection from your family. This day, gives those who love you most, an opportunity to make you feel special.
  Every dad who loves his children wants to feel that special moment of appreciation. The one, where you know, that you are loved, by your child/children. Your sacrifices and labor of love, have made an impression on those you care for most. The recipients of your care and sacrifice are extremely grateful and hope you feel their respect. While it is not easy to face today’s challenges, you remain centered on putting your family ahead of other desires. It has made a lasting impression that can be considered a legacy.
  We, as your children, are maturing and so appreciate the love and protection you have provided. It has become a seed buried within our hearts. Upon it’s blossom a tree will be produced, for you to take shade and comfort from the challenges of life. When you feel mis-understood, and your E.Q. seems to lag behind your expectations, may you find the understanding that so freely has come to us, from you.
  As children who have a “hands on” Dad, we feel so blessed. “Thank You, Thank You”, for not being selfish and know that we want you to feel special. The dreams you carry and want to accomplish are important to us too. You have been so gracious to us, we hope to help be an encouragement to you also. We pray for your life to be enriched, and your time to be lived with a deep sense of gratitude. We know we will see the very best of life come back to you as you have so unselfishly given to us.

  “Thank you” for taking such good care of us. Being present to know what we are going through in life. “Thank you” for loving our mother and treating her like a queen. “Thank you” for showing us the love of God and helping us understand; no matter how difficult our days can be, He will never leave our side.
   Also, we are grateful to know our life is not measured by our status or achievement’s.  You have taught us to care about others. Some of our friends at school don’t have at home what you have given to our family. “Thank you”, for teaching us to be kind. To be understanding to how different people’s lives can be and not to judge. We all have been made in the image of God. The many advantages that we enjoy as your children, help reinforce: “To whom much has been given, much is required.” While we have watched you be an example of one who is blessed, to be a blessing, we promise to implement in our life to others, what we have seen in you.
  • We will be relatable to others, kind and fair.
  • We will take care of our self, refraining from substance abuse, lying, cheating, dishonesty. We will treat our self with dignity and respect, as you have lived before us.
  • We will reach for new experiences and goals without becoming unrealistic about them.
  • When life hits us hard, we will find Christ’s power of love to rise up in. Our life will reach to meaning, because like you, we will be part of something bigger than us.
   This is our “Father’s Day” Pledge to you Dad. We will always love and honor you. We will take what you have given us with such deep respect. We will follow the faith and example of you with Christ. We are now part of your legacy “Love God, Love family and love others.”

“Thank You Dad”
Until The Next Time,

All of us, who love our Dad’s.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

“It’s Just A Thought”

       While reading an article the other day, I came across a quote from Plato. “Be Kind; everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” That so inspired me to think and act in larger circles of “intentional” kindness. When you stop to think about it, people everywhere need simple everyday gestures of kind behavior to help balance out the imposing negatives.

        Do you get inside your own head sometimes and find reaching out to others difficult? You know, the old lies come circling around. What do you possibly have that will make a difference for someone else? Or this one gets played a lot, if you know the Word so well, why is it not working for you today? Lies, lies, lies. When our mind is bombarded with these, you sometimes feel paralyzed to move. However, I have found, if we can just smile at someone, we can begin to see the cycle of attack leave. You see, being kind does not mean you need to save the day. It means that from my core, even though I am in a hard place, I choose to let a smile rest on my face and a “kind” word leaves my mouth. God sees that and will come by defending you in the presence of your enemy.

        King David said: “I’ve never seen the righteous forsaken, or their seed begging bread.” I believe that scripture with all my heart. God will not allow His people to ever be ashamed of Him. He will protect, provide and keep us from the evil of this world. Our part is to remain in Him. We live with the internal determination that no matter how I feel, I will extend a gracious spirit to my family, friend and neighbor. 

The little things that can make an impact on a life. You know shopping and looking up from our coupons and cart to notice someone is trying to get by us in the aisle. Stopping for gas, while being in a hurry and letting your neighbor go first. Oh, yes, while sporting a smile. Allowing someone else to get the last can of whatever from the grocery aisle. Come on, you can do it, you probably have 3 cans of whatever still at home. Waiting kindly for an elderly couple trying to cross the street, with a walker. Don’t join the others in protest rushing them along. Be kind and easily entreated, someday that will be you and me. You’ll never know what your smile, at the crazy check out, did for the already exhausted store clerk. Sure we can find a lot of reasons why we can stay in our own head. But, if we begin to train ourselves to show kindness as a daily response, we build for ourselves heavenly treasure. We also will be surprised how our actions of love will build a barrier in our minds of health and prosperity.

        Yes, life is a battle for us all. At times our mind can feel as if it is going down for the count. In spite of all that, resolve now in your heart, God will sort out everything. While we are destined to win our battles, we must show kindness to others and we will have a measure of that come back to us when we need it most. Let’s give a smile away one at a time and as a very good friend of mine taught me to say no matter what the condition or circumstance might be:

“It’s a great Day”
Until the next time,

Prophet Kathie

Sunday, May 10, 2015

                    “It’s Just A Thought”
                     Happy Mother’s Day
“Happy Mother’s Day”! I always thought what a nice gesture that a day was set apart to honor Mother’s. When I was a young woman, and my mom was alive, I worked real hard to find a pretty card and a “special” gift. After all it seemed if nothing else, when I became a mother I could expect the same kind gestures from my children. You know, what goes around, comes around!

So, as mothers, we seem to be in an elite group. After all, men can’t understand or experience giving birth. They can watch us do it, but never will they have the knowing of it. We learn as mother’s to multi task, or so we think. Actually many projects can be in front of us but we can only tackle one at a time. Of course if 20 different duties face us, one at a time, or all at once, that’s a lot of yada we are dealing with. Then, we make sure our little ones have all they need. Get them where they need to be and try as hard as we can to be on time. Teaching our lovely offspring the importance of being prompt. Don’t forget proper nutrition. Help with the homework, wiping their tears because recess was stressful. You know, your child forgot to bring the jump rope for designated play time. A good lunch always goes a long way. However, you just realized your child is at school and the lunch you made is sitting on the kitchen counter! Oh, boy, another trip to the principal’s office. You now are in a fast track to get to your job on time.

Homework is always a great bonding time. Of course you wonder “What are they doing in school?” If all this homework has to be done before bedtime and after dinner, who has the time? Dinner being the family time of refreshing and re-calibrating for each member. Oh but you forgot, soccer practice and tennis. Dinner will be a little bit on the late side this evening. So it goes. Doctor appointments, trips to the dentist. Sleep-overs, proms, graduations, pep-talks, haircuts, shoe shopping, vacations and oh yes, lots and lots of hugs and kisses.

Through the years, many of us have travelled through the various experiences of “mother-hood”. Some have been great, others not so much. However, we are women so we press on to do the very best for our family. We love till it hurts. Give understanding, when we are not sure understanding exists. We offer our last dime to make our son’s or daughter’s dreams come true. Children grow to become adults and carry on in their life and provide you one day with grandchildren. Of course they are our precious gifts made just for loving because all the other things they need, are being handled by their parents. That is the joy of seeing our children grow in stature, wisdom and truth. They pass it on to the next generation.

Looking back, I’m so delighted for taking care of my mom. I’m blessed to have been able to have 2 sons. Which by the way, have kept the circle intact. They have been so exceptionally kind and generous to me as their mother. As women and moms, we teach RELATIONSHIP. Every break down in society, every stumbling block and every pain in life, results in a breaking of relationship. So, our greatest reward is to see our children treating others with love and respect. Oh and yes, whoever put “Mother’s Day” on the calendar “Good Job”. It must have been a grateful son or daughter!  “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

Wishing you a beautiful day.
Happy Mother’s Day!
You are so deserving…

Prophet Kathie

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

“It’s Just A Thought”

        A Very Happy and prosperous “New Year” to you and your family. May you feel a renewed energy, focus, and strength resting on your life. May we all have a new ability to keep calm and carry on. Our life and ambitions when resting in the center of what the Lord has for us should bring us peace. We need to be remindful that God is our director, so our orders come to us from Him and therefore He is responsible for the results. He owns us and is allowing us to partner with Him to share with people how wonderful living for the Lord really is.

Not to add more pressure to our already hectic lives but this question begs an answer: “If we are living connected to the creator of all, why should we allow the world to drive us into the ground”? Our response to the craziness we are living with, needs to be “God has everything under control.” We continue to stay in RELATIONSHIP with our Father. He will continue to restore our mind, soul, body, and spirit. We cannot do life by ourselves. We need the courage, wisdom and love of God to keep restoring our soul. May we find our sweet-spot in Jesus as never before and rest in His abundant grace. God is going to show Himself to this lost and dying world. He will bring His glory to the church and once again darkness will be replaced by His glorious light. We will see the greatest demonstration of divine intervention that we have experienced so far. This year will demonstrate to those of us who have fasted and prayed, hoped and believed, cried and struggled, God has no equal. For those who have waited, waited and waited break through is on the horizon. We will all see God move in amazing ways and answer to prayers will be seen. Those of us who have given ourselves to wait on the Lord, will see a great return on our decision.

Let us all look with great anticipation for a new result, to old patterns. We will be incredibly joyful as God begins to draw the lost to Himself in this new dispensation of grace. Yes indeed! Hope, hope, hope, is the engine driving our life. God has not forsaken us and never will. He will bring His eternal wisdom and replace our limited view with an outpouring of His holiness. Are we ready? Change is coming and it is going to come in the twinkling of an eye. The very best to you this New Year.  Take advantage of every blessing that has your name on it! You serve an awesome God with all His intention centered on your life coming through every dark trial. He loves you and will not disappoint you ever! His grace is all sufficient.

God Bless You,

Prophet Kathie