Thursday, June 18, 2015

“It’s Just A Thought”
  Happy Father’s Day Letter
  To every Father, may you enjoy a beautiful day of affection from your family. This day, gives those who love you most, an opportunity to make you feel special.
  Every dad who loves his children wants to feel that special moment of appreciation. The one, where you know, that you are loved, by your child/children. Your sacrifices and labor of love, have made an impression on those you care for most. The recipients of your care and sacrifice are extremely grateful and hope you feel their respect. While it is not easy to face today’s challenges, you remain centered on putting your family ahead of other desires. It has made a lasting impression that can be considered a legacy.
  We, as your children, are maturing and so appreciate the love and protection you have provided. It has become a seed buried within our hearts. Upon it’s blossom a tree will be produced, for you to take shade and comfort from the challenges of life. When you feel mis-understood, and your E.Q. seems to lag behind your expectations, may you find the understanding that so freely has come to us, from you.
  As children who have a “hands on” Dad, we feel so blessed. “Thank You, Thank You”, for not being selfish and know that we want you to feel special. The dreams you carry and want to accomplish are important to us too. You have been so gracious to us, we hope to help be an encouragement to you also. We pray for your life to be enriched, and your time to be lived with a deep sense of gratitude. We know we will see the very best of life come back to you as you have so unselfishly given to us.

  “Thank you” for taking such good care of us. Being present to know what we are going through in life. “Thank you” for loving our mother and treating her like a queen. “Thank you” for showing us the love of God and helping us understand; no matter how difficult our days can be, He will never leave our side.
   Also, we are grateful to know our life is not measured by our status or achievement’s.  You have taught us to care about others. Some of our friends at school don’t have at home what you have given to our family. “Thank you”, for teaching us to be kind. To be understanding to how different people’s lives can be and not to judge. We all have been made in the image of God. The many advantages that we enjoy as your children, help reinforce: “To whom much has been given, much is required.” While we have watched you be an example of one who is blessed, to be a blessing, we promise to implement in our life to others, what we have seen in you.
  • We will be relatable to others, kind and fair.
  • We will take care of our self, refraining from substance abuse, lying, cheating, dishonesty. We will treat our self with dignity and respect, as you have lived before us.
  • We will reach for new experiences and goals without becoming unrealistic about them.
  • When life hits us hard, we will find Christ’s power of love to rise up in. Our life will reach to meaning, because like you, we will be part of something bigger than us.
   This is our “Father’s Day” Pledge to you Dad. We will always love and honor you. We will take what you have given us with such deep respect. We will follow the faith and example of you with Christ. We are now part of your legacy “Love God, Love family and love others.”

“Thank You Dad”
Until The Next Time,

All of us, who love our Dad’s.