“Just A Thought”
Greetings Friends! It has been a
while since we last met together. Can I just say, this first quarter of 2019
has been nothing less than challenging for many, heartbreaking for others,
outstanding victories for some and oh by the way, the rest of us are reeling
from our fair share of suddenlies!!
The testing’s have been real! Our
faith has been stretched beyond what even those astute in their relationship
with God could imagine. Friendships have gone through the fire, families tried
and let us not forget how we are bombarded daily by the media, news reports and
social unrest. Our nation is being challenged and I truly hope we are not as a
people found wanting. While there are many questions and too few answers, I
worry that people have become so overwhelmed with society and its woes, which
of course affect us, that we adopt a see no evil philosophy.
As Christians, we are reminded
that where sin abounds so does grace and it comes back against sin with a holy
righteous knockout punch. Jesus Christ is our hope, our grace, our mercy, our
justice, our eternal life, our complete answer to every ill we see. His voice
is still able to counter all the many voices bombarding our life. While times
they are a-changing, the will of God to see people including us healed, protected,
restored, and whole will not change, but remain a constant.
The Bible states: “Where our heart
is, there also will be our treasure.” What we really love and admire will be
where our focus will concentrate on. So a real question every believer needs to
answer is “What or who am I relying on to get me through each day?” The Bible
clearly tells us we cannot serve two masters. This of course is not because God
has an identity problem but because we do. Whatever captures our attention and
takes us away from the Lord and His abiding principles will always cause us
trouble. Our souls will be infected with the disease of self-delusion. No
matter what the world is serving up these days; we are not of the world. We are
Kingdom people! We receive our daily instructions from the court room of
Heaven. We live in a different realm then cable news. So, having said that, the
world is in a place of massive confusion, lies and deceit. We know evil forces
are strategizing for the attention of mankind. However, no matter how bad
things may get, there will be ravens in the bush for us. A huge, massive,
outpouring, of the Holy Spirit is coming to a town near you! This is exciting
because when it does people are going to leave the lies and become part of our
eternal family. We may not have the freedom’s we have enjoyed for so long as
Christians from the secular community but with God all things are
possible, and we will succeed in our God-given agendas. Be sure of that. No
weapon formed against the family of God shall prosper.
May we let our roots of
Christianity go deep, deep, deep into Christ Jesus, He will sustain us. Also,
be connected to people who love you, encourage you, cover you, pray for you
because our security will be within the family of God. Make no mistake about
it. You and your family are very special to the heart of God. His intentions
for you are pure and His hope is that you and I will want what He wants for us.
Our hearts should ache to see what is happening in our schools, laws concerning
abortion, our borders who cannot help the flow of humanity seeking a better
life. We all must keep asking God for wisdom and guidance. Always remembering
the ills of today will not just fade into the sunset but we render justice in
prayer. So come together, let’s gird up our loins and continue to be vigilant.
God is, He really is going to have the final say.
Sending blessings and may you
behold in what God has given you to do in this lifetime. Keep yourself encouraged,
the best is yet to be. Never believe the lie that the church is finished. We
will rise and move the gates of Hell.
To God Be The
Prophet Kathie