Saturday, April 19, 2014

Usually we think of “New Beginning’s” reserved for the first of January.  We try in every way to embrace our proposed new change.  Out with the “old” and in with the “new”-.  We muster great determination to stand against any thing we view as hindering our forward progress.  After all, we have been here many times before.  This time must be different indeed.  We desperately seek success over age-old habits.

As noble as our efforts may be, perhaps we should view the celebrated “Resurrection” of Christ as our “New Beginning”.  If He walked out of the tomb to encounter His new day, so can we.  It just takes us to believe that no matter what is behind us, as long as we choose to let go, all things are possible.  Jesus made it very clear to His disciples the day would come for Him to die.  In fact, His death was necessary for us to live.  Of course, His words fell to the ground and people heard what they wanted.

Christ came to DEAL with everything we could not.  His life was a moving masterpiece of faith and obedience.  Daily doing the will of His Father. Walking into the public arena displaying the love of God.  Creating miracles for the betterment of life.  Always reaching to bridge the gap between lost humanity and a loving Father.

The absolute generosity of Christ was challenged, objected to, and at times, ridiculed.  People did not understand His destiny and thus tried to reduce Christ to themselves.  Christ could not be put into man’s box of ideology. He was the embodiment of faith and goodness.  Not to be maneuvered by the whims of mankind.

His words were backed by life-giving power.  Those who allowed their hearts to receive were changed. A changed heart is an amazing miracle.  In that small chamber, decisions can be made that have the ability to shape miracle-making environments.  We would be smart to realize that God can change any outcome if we believe.  Death is really a brief transition to another life. Christ proved that nothing was impossible.  He said He would arise and He did.  This proved nothing would hold us back.  After all, Christ did nothing for Himself.  All of it was for our benefit. His life proved that God was with Him and working in Him.  His success became our’s.  Life was to be lived from a state of victory because Jesus Christ is just that.

In this life, when things seem to have turned upside down, remember Jesus is your resurrection.  Do not look for Him to ever be caught off guard.  He never is.  Expect Jesus to turn chaos into peace and death into victory.  Take time to hear His voice.  Listen for Him to call your name, and in that, you will be assured everything is right with your world now, and the one to come.  Yes, Christ paid for everything so you and I could live a promise-filled life instead of a fear-driven one.

Nothing is impossible with God and we would do well to remember that.  We live, move, and have our being in Christ.  This Resurrection Day, may we rejoice in our good fortune of being rescued from death into a life filled with the glorious presence of our dear Savior.  God bless you, and may the blessings of the Lord be upon you.
Until the Next Time,
Prophet Kathie

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