Saturday, July 2, 2016

“It’s Just A Thought”

Hello Everyone. Summer is officially here and is there not a thirst, for the kinder and gentler days that this season promises to bring?

Times are sobering and many of us wonder how will the problems we see in our nation all play out? May I say, I recognize we are at war with Isis jihad. However, I also realize that the level of national intolerance seems to be at a boiling point. I remember the 60’s and our college campuses alive with hot opinions. However, I think we have stepped beyond even the anger and hostility displayed then. There is a deep hatred displayed with seemingly little to no real remorse. For one, who has spent her adult life trying to help people step up to a better life, I am saddened by what we see daily on our news. A house divided cannot stand! America must heal from within before we can be effective from without. Hate cannot destroy hate.

We all pay a huge penalty when we choose to look the other way. Our communities are laying waste from poverty, broken homes, drugs, teenage pregnancies, teenage abortions, rape and murder. Did you know that being raised in a married family reduces a child’s chances of poverty by 82%. For single parented homes the poverty rate is 37.1%. Married couples it is 6.8%. This is not speculation, these are reported statistics from our government. Our families are in trouble. Our marriages are in trouble. Consequently our children suffer. A single mom working to provide for her children, pay rent, utilities, medicine, school etc. cannot be all thing’s to all people all the time. Cycles have to be broken. It never is easy, but it is possible, and absolutely necessary.

Can we learn from our mistakes? Finger pointing, judging, false accusations cannot change our projectory. Hard work, strong focus and a yes to good, a no to evil, will get the job done. We can all learn to become more reflective. Look at what needs to change and begin a determined process to address the situations causing so much pain. I so appreciate my relationships in life. As I meet with other leaders, we work and look honestly to what can be done to heal the afflicted area’s we all face. Together, we look honestly at what works? Where are the results? What would we do differently? Only honest assessments will yield better results. We hold ourselves accountable to achieve necessary changes.

Rearrangement is at hand. Can we drop our fear? Our pre-disposition to familiarity and prejudices. I believe so and we can make changes for the best of people our priority. Make it our mission. Getting in our positions and take advantage of the genius of unity with others who are pushing for a better, brighter future. One that looks right, feels right and most importantly we all can be proud of.

For the things we see, and know are wrong, through a Kingdom unity and strong effort, change is possible. Stop fearing the evil, roll up our sleeves and believe all things are possible. Innocent people are depending on it.  Let’s make a stand today, for the good of everyone.

Until The Next Time,

Prophet Kathie

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