Monday, November 21, 2016

Prophetic Word given by Prophet Kathie
November 16th, 2016

... We thank you for the new wine you are pouring, but Yes Lord we must check ourselves. "Are your skins ready to take and what I am about to bring, what I am about to unleash, what I am about to let go, you cannot put new wine into old wine skins Hallelujah.

        Prepare yourself, Prepare yourself, Prepare yourself Prepare yourself. The pastor can't prepare you, the church can't prepare you, your brother can't prepare you, your sister can't prepare you, they can only aid and walk with you, cast vision, but you must come to Me and prepare yourself for the greatest outpouring of My spirit that mankind has ever seen. Prepare, to the North, to the South, to the East, to the West I am not coming to bring My wine, My fresh outpouring, to a dry withered skin it will break you, it will destroy you. My wine, My fresh anointing is coming to those that prepare their wine skins. You need the oil of the Holy Spirit  to smooth and remove the old things of the past, the old things of yesterday the old things of brokenness, the old things of failures, your eyes to need be on Me, this is your opportunity, take it while there is still time.

        Take the opportunity that I have afforded this earth realm while there is still time. There will be many, many that do not understand my move what I am about to bring and create in this earth realm. but for those of you with a hearing ear, for those of you with a loving heart for those of you with mercy in your spirit  you will be refreshed and renewed, your plans will come to pass, your prayers will be answered, your families will be rescued.

        You will see Divine authority be released and loosed in your families, in your lives, in your cities, in your towns. But only a prepared wine skin can receive the new wine that I am bringing says God. Hallelujah.

        Prepare yourself, Prepare yourself. Before every move before every shift that I brought to the earth realm I sent people to say Prepare, Prepare, Prepare, Prepare, some listened some did not your future is in your hands not in the United States of America's government not in your own thinking it is held up in My hands in My courts and I say I am here to bless you, I am here to prosper you, I am here to bring to you from the four corners of the earth realm everything you need but prepare, prepare, prepare, prepare, prepare, prepare, prepare you hearts, your lives your minds your bodies, your soul and spirit said the Lord."  

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