Tuesday, December 20, 2016

“It’s Just A Thought”
December – 2016

        Merry Christmas! May the grace of God engulf your heart afresh and anew. Just as the day Christ came to Bethlehem to transform the earth. He comes again to bless our hearts afresh, this Holy Christmas season.
        The visitors that came to express their love and present gifts to Christ so long ago were in awe of this little child. The sense of glory that filled a dirty stable evaporated the stench of animals hay and stubble. In fact, the manger, stable, oxen, sheep, goats and people were the most beautiful expression of love and wonder since the building of Solomon’s Temple. As Christ laid sleeping in a cold manger the warmth of love filling that Holy stable made everyone gracious, safe and content. God had everything under control, His perfect control and all anyone needed was to follow their hearts, to the most memorable moment of their lifetime.
        We all are on a journey in life. Our particular walk although different in nature is for the same result, that we might know Jesus Christ as our personal redeemer. Our arrival to our destined moment is secured by a simple “yes” to Christ. The first visitors that came to Jesus had to arrive at His designated place. Now the Holy Spirit makes Christ real to us. He can establish His presence at any time, and anywhere. All we need to do is make an altar in our own personal hearts, our stable, to receive the greatest gift in life.
               What we then realize is we become our best because it is originated from the destiny Christ has formed within each of us. Clearly, God is not a respecter of any person, place, or thing. His desire is to make our life an original masterpiece. Each of our circumstances have brought us to Christ and is and will always be our greatest blessing. Each heart becomes the new home for God. May we behold Him with a sense of awe each day of our life. 
         As 2016 comes to a final close perhaps this can be your Christmas of a life-time. Don’t let anyone or anything hold you back this time. Jesus has come and yearns to have deep fellowship with you. Run into 2017, with full expectation that all fatigue, disappointment, distress must leave you. A fresh faith is coming to rest upon you bringing you to new beginning’s in your life. Walk forward and embrace 2017 with all your heart. Reposition your priorities. As God is bringing new beautiful growth to your life and family, make up your mind and let yourself find a brand new determination to embrace all God has for you. Let nothing keep you from moving forward with great joy. Jesus Christ came for all of us. We will live our best life when we let Christ own all of our days. “Oh Come Let Us Adore Him, Oh Come Let Us Adore Him, Oh Come Let Us Adore Him, Christ Our Lord.”

Until The Next Time,
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Prophet Kathie

Monday, November 21, 2016

Prophetic Word given by Prophet Kathie
November 16th, 2016

... We thank you for the new wine you are pouring, but Yes Lord we must check ourselves. "Are your skins ready to take and what I am about to bring, what I am about to unleash, what I am about to let go, you cannot put new wine into old wine skins Hallelujah.

        Prepare yourself, Prepare yourself, Prepare yourself Prepare yourself. The pastor can't prepare you, the church can't prepare you, your brother can't prepare you, your sister can't prepare you, they can only aid and walk with you, cast vision, but you must come to Me and prepare yourself for the greatest outpouring of My spirit that mankind has ever seen. Prepare, to the North, to the South, to the East, to the West I am not coming to bring My wine, My fresh outpouring, to a dry withered skin it will break you, it will destroy you. My wine, My fresh anointing is coming to those that prepare their wine skins. You need the oil of the Holy Spirit  to smooth and remove the old things of the past, the old things of yesterday the old things of brokenness, the old things of failures, your eyes to need be on Me, this is your opportunity, take it while there is still time.

        Take the opportunity that I have afforded this earth realm while there is still time. There will be many, many that do not understand my move what I am about to bring and create in this earth realm. but for those of you with a hearing ear, for those of you with a loving heart for those of you with mercy in your spirit  you will be refreshed and renewed, your plans will come to pass, your prayers will be answered, your families will be rescued.

        You will see Divine authority be released and loosed in your families, in your lives, in your cities, in your towns. But only a prepared wine skin can receive the new wine that I am bringing says God. Hallelujah.

        Prepare yourself, Prepare yourself. Before every move before every shift that I brought to the earth realm I sent people to say Prepare, Prepare, Prepare, Prepare, some listened some did not your future is in your hands not in the United States of America's government not in your own thinking it is held up in My hands in My courts and I say I am here to bless you, I am here to prosper you, I am here to bring to you from the four corners of the earth realm everything you need but prepare, prepare, prepare, prepare, prepare, prepare, prepare you hearts, your lives your minds your bodies, your soul and spirit said the Lord."  

Friday, November 18, 2016

“It’s Just A Thought”

In several weeks my husband and I will be meeting with tremendous pastors for our traditional end of year review. We sometimes lick our wounds, pray for one another, enjoy fellowship and make plans for another year. Our conversations at times are painful, other discussions can be fun and frivolous in nature, but in it all, we resolve our focus to a better tomorrow. Speaking of our collective tomorrow’s, we just finished one of the most negative Presidential Campaigns in our lifetime. Whatever your political preference is, the outcome of this election has broken records. To me, that is really saying something, considering our rich national history. With the over whelming victory for some and heart wrenching defeat for others, the mood could not be more polarizing.

As a result of our new normal, I find myself very engaged in self-examination. Change is inevitable, but when you are faced with a life changing event in history, you need to be able to evaluate so many things at once. All of us, as spiritual leaders surely SEE that we have moved in a single moment to a very different change. For us, as spiritual leaders our first priority needs to be “God what are you saying?” “What am I to do moving forward, to help myself, family and those you have given me responsibility to lead?”

When an out of the box experience occurs, our navigation must come through the revelation of the Word. I sense God will be pouring His new wine for us all. The condition of our wine skins is extremely important. Do we detect a dry spirit taking us over? Are there blisters in our system’s from use that need mending? Are our feelings faltered? Our vision cloudy? Our hands and feet tired? Do we hurt and need a restorative word? Let us believe help is on the way. It is time to reflect and hear what God is saying.

May we not waste a minute, but believe, healing from God is our hope to a better tomorrow. Take a lesson from Habakkuk.

“Write the vision. Make it plain.”

Things that have seemed lost or held up will come to us. Vision that has become old, will be renewed. Our methods that are outdated will be reviewed. Our dreams that heave been put on hold, can come forth. A heart that can still hope, believe and move toward help in Christ will conquer all the negatives of lost people, places or things.

What could happen in our communities if Jesus could have His way? Why not believe that everything is possible with Jesus Christ? He wants to get into our schools, our homes, communities, and our world with His powerful message of redemption. He is our true answer of hope to retaliate against the white noise we hear daily.

Our society is in pain. People are lost and many have no compass in life. It seems as if our colleges of higher learning have lost all common sense. We have fed our minds but starved our souls in the process of attaining a degree. We can only hope we get new ideas as to how to reach our towns and cities with a word of love and assurance for people to believe in. May we never let our hope become deferred which makes our hearts sick. Look into the eyes of Christ, He will guide us if we ask. He will fill us with fresh fire, He will keep us safe and once again His rain of renewal will fall upon our land. People need the Lord. He is our truest leader and at the heart of our moving forward He will not be denied in enriching our lives with benefits.

Refresh yourself again and renew your hope in Jesus Christ. He is not regulated by any earthly restriction. We are His people and we will not be left ashamed from believing that the very best is yet to be. Believe it, count on it, and dare to hope for it.

Until The Next Time,

Prophet Kathie

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

“It’s Just A Thought”

To all my friends and colleagues I have come to the conclusion, as we get older we need to be answering the all-important question of time and life. What may that be you might ask; here it is, “Are we leaving our family, our community, organization’s and friends better than we found them? Have we fully embraced we are to steward properly what has been entrusted to us?

In life, we need to stand true to our principles and values. In making decisions staying the course of what is at our core is crucial. Sometimes as we are living our lives and offering guidance for others, stress result’s because we are not holding to our core belief system. While trying to help, we compromise on what is essential to our life. This is a mistake and will cost us dearly. The more responsibility we have the more our decisions need to be about the good of all rather than just our self. We all are leaving a legacy behind us, may we leave one that we can be proud of. While we are all endeavoring to manage our time, our activities, children and finances, we need to always look at; if I do this today, what will be the outcome for those I love in the future? Sometimes the voices crying out the loudest for our attention need to be ignored and our focus needs to be long term. For example, if I take that job promotion although more money may come to my coffers, what will the long term effect be on my family? Will I have quality time to spend with my children? With my spouse? Will it affect my time with Jesus? My church community? The instant rise of cash flow, may not be all that good for the long term health of my family.
Our core will always speak loudly. We will know in our knower if it is well with our soul. Life is way to fragile not to be concerned with our decisions. We should always apply constant principles of safety when we think of change. To successfully go from faith to faith and glory to glory, keep a few grounded principles in view.

·        Never bring change to your life without already creating a safe, stable, loving environment. Change is difficult enough, there must be stability within you, your family, or people you lead before moving to the unknown.

·        Be sure in the change, your family, organization, or yourself, have a healthy understanding of people-first culture.

·        Lead with love, grace and humility.

·        Always be honest with information. Your expectations should always match what you are willing to do.

No matter what may happen along the way, if we keep being honest, making decisions based on the best interest of all, things will work out. Everything in life is relational, the better we connect, the better the outcome for all. There is an old saying: “Work hard and stay humble.”

Every blessing, victory and great outcome is derived from a love of truth and respect for hard work. You will do well to remember God is in love with you. Ready to make your path stable and full of blessings! Be encouraged the best for you and those you love is yet to come!

Until The Next Time,
Prophet Kathie

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

“It’s Just A Thought”

Have you ever challenged yourself with the age old question; “What if?” What if I had the resources and ability to accomplish my passion in life, what would  I be able to do? An extraordinary life is built on great desire, discipline, and faithful fortitude to “Finish”!

“What if” I told you that God created you to dream for your life and future? It is our responsibility to search out our life and expand on what we have been given. For example, if we love to sow, maybe we could dream about becoming a clothing designer. Our gift is fueled by our passion and our passion should be to take our gift to be a blessing to others. Think about it, business is based on supplying the public with a product that is needed and the community to engage in daily life. We have within our D.N.A. from our creator the ability to help each other achieve great things. As we become more integrated within ourselves, it becomes a natural expression to give what has been given to us. Every invention, every product, everything we see serving the masses came by an idea. The idea is birthed and a benefit has been created.

Think about what you need on a daily basis. The groceries, they came from somewhere. The clothes you wear, prescriptions you need, the school’s our children attend. The electricity to supply your ability to plug in all your technology. All of these wonderful things we have to help us came from men and women who followed their dream and passion.
Our passion fuels our drive to overcome obstacles. Jump hurdles. Overcome disappointments. Heal from failures. Think beyond the current crisis. Move past the naysayers. Yes, in the end when sometimes it seems impossible to obtain your goal the completed work is achieved and in turn it will help others on their particular journey. The end of it all should answer this question. “What if?” You see we are all here learning to live life in a respectful, loving manner. No matter what we go to everyday as our profession, it should be lived through the lens of service. Our life becomes enriched by helping others. It is just the way we all are wired.

Next time you feel like giving up or giving in, remember deep inside of you is a creative power. The power to succeed may be a small flicker, but every step you take will turn it into a flame. Who you are and what you have to give has an audience waiting for you to appear. “What if” you tried? What could change? What could become better? Only you and time can tell.

Until The Next Time,
Prophet Kathie

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

“It’s Just A Thought”

Love is the special ingredient to a flourishing life. Without a good sense of unselfish, motivating, purpose people can get stuck. Family, family, family, is so essential to mold generations of kind, merciful, hopeful children, who then become upstanding adults. Our family gives to us a bonding that has the potential to carry all of it’s members forward to becoming able caring adults. Not only for themselves but for others too. A great nation is built on generations of God-loving, caring, and kind people, anticipating a life of giving back, not just taking to themselves.

Giving is the central fabric of Christianity. This theme and example given to the believer is, God gave His Son. God gave His best. God gave us this earth we call home. God has given, given, given. He continues to meet our daily needs. Therefore, it is now in our new nature to become a giver. There in, is the key, to a bountiful life.

Our culture lacks creativity. As parents, leaders, teachers, coaches, we need to create an environment of thought, ideas and value. Our greatest asset is our ability to think of creative ways to get things done. As a mom, I realized I needed to teach my children the value of honesty, hard work and trust. However, I had to also create an atmosphere where doing a chore could be fun. If they got something from the experience they would usually perform the task. By the time they were teenagers, both of my sons got after-school jobs, worked hard and learned working helped their self-esteem. (Thank You, Jesus!)

Another factor that we recognized had to be dealt with was negativity. When we allow ourselves the continual luxury of complaining, we lose positive energy. The simplest task can become gruesome because of our negative slant. Being a complainer is learned by example. It will kill unity and creativity of anything positive. When our family would pursue the less traveled road of the crowd and generate positive talking points and attitudes we all learned it created life and success. What a joy to feel the reward of “Well Done”. The more we celebrated positive comment’s and encouragement, the better the outcome for everyone. People, and most importantly, our children learn this from a life well lived. If we as parents or leaders can remove the negative from our words and compliment encouragement, we will have a happier family and produce that in the future generation. May the goal of respecting life, be taught in such a way that it is embraced from the deepest part of our heart. Negative challenges will come, but we do not need to become negative from it. Cultivating a positive vocabulary with our families will produce long lasting results.

Being creative in dealing with setbacks is also important. We all have them. Difficulties can be productive in developing character. Everything in life that is worthwhile comes at a cost. The warm encouragement of love can take the sting out of a shortfall and help get everyone back on track. Never let a gloomy outlook replace optimism. Always teach from what you have learned. Remember you cannot lead where you are unwilling to go. Mistakes teach us what not to do and position us to travel a different direction. With what we are seeing these days, could we all perhaps try some new methods?

Finally, maybe we all might try a little less busyness and a lot more interest in someone else’s idea or opinion. Let us all start a daily maintenance of remembering a great life is lived from “Love thy neighbor as thyself”. Remember to create in your own head space a healthy place. I will be forgiving and never hold others to a standard that I am not willing to keep. If I or those I am responsible to or for, slip, I will allow forgiveness, but not excuses, for bad intentions. Oh Yes, a few more statements with “Please and Thank You” seem to gain better results. Here, is to the next generation! May they flourish and become true beacons of light. Light has the overcoming power to extinguish the darkness.

Until The Next Time,

Prophet Kathie

Saturday, July 2, 2016

“It’s Just A Thought”

Hello Everyone. Summer is officially here and is there not a thirst, for the kinder and gentler days that this season promises to bring?

Times are sobering and many of us wonder how will the problems we see in our nation all play out? May I say, I recognize we are at war with Isis jihad. However, I also realize that the level of national intolerance seems to be at a boiling point. I remember the 60’s and our college campuses alive with hot opinions. However, I think we have stepped beyond even the anger and hostility displayed then. There is a deep hatred displayed with seemingly little to no real remorse. For one, who has spent her adult life trying to help people step up to a better life, I am saddened by what we see daily on our news. A house divided cannot stand! America must heal from within before we can be effective from without. Hate cannot destroy hate.

We all pay a huge penalty when we choose to look the other way. Our communities are laying waste from poverty, broken homes, drugs, teenage pregnancies, teenage abortions, rape and murder. Did you know that being raised in a married family reduces a child’s chances of poverty by 82%. For single parented homes the poverty rate is 37.1%. Married couples it is 6.8%. This is not speculation, these are reported statistics from our government. Our families are in trouble. Our marriages are in trouble. Consequently our children suffer. A single mom working to provide for her children, pay rent, utilities, medicine, school etc. cannot be all thing’s to all people all the time. Cycles have to be broken. It never is easy, but it is possible, and absolutely necessary.

Can we learn from our mistakes? Finger pointing, judging, false accusations cannot change our projectory. Hard work, strong focus and a yes to good, a no to evil, will get the job done. We can all learn to become more reflective. Look at what needs to change and begin a determined process to address the situations causing so much pain. I so appreciate my relationships in life. As I meet with other leaders, we work and look honestly to what can be done to heal the afflicted area’s we all face. Together, we look honestly at what works? Where are the results? What would we do differently? Only honest assessments will yield better results. We hold ourselves accountable to achieve necessary changes.

Rearrangement is at hand. Can we drop our fear? Our pre-disposition to familiarity and prejudices. I believe so and we can make changes for the best of people our priority. Make it our mission. Getting in our positions and take advantage of the genius of unity with others who are pushing for a better, brighter future. One that looks right, feels right and most importantly we all can be proud of.

For the things we see, and know are wrong, through a Kingdom unity and strong effort, change is possible. Stop fearing the evil, roll up our sleeves and believe all things are possible. Innocent people are depending on it.  Let’s make a stand today, for the good of everyone.

Until The Next Time,

Prophet Kathie

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

“It’s Just A Thought”

          It has been said, “A man who becomes a father exchanges money in his wallet, for pictures of his family”. While that may be a slight exaggeration, the point is well taken.

        Our Father’s are an essential relationship to every child and family. They provide protection, emotionally, physically and prosper financial strength. The stability that fathers bring to their children’s lives cannot be over-estimated.

        Father’s are his child’s mentor, hero and sometimes strongest example of; “In it to win it”. Whatever else a dad may be, no matter how old his son or daughter becomes his influence in their life is immeasurable. Our prayers for fathers are so important due to their responsibility being so profound. Their busyness can be so stressful, encouragement is essential so they can pass it on. “Special” time with the family is so important. It gives everyone a sense of security and value. Every dad who loves his child cherishes every time that they look into his eyes and he see’s their absolute trust coming back. It gives papa the strength to go fight and slay the dragons again. For their family, every great dad, will go the extra mile to accomplish whatever is needed.

         “Happy Father’s Day”, to our wonderful dads. We love you for your sacrifices. We admire your leadership and protection. Your devotion moves us, your example inspires us, “Thank You” for taking care of us. Our lives and communities are better for your commitment.

        We promise to pray for you and hope you know how much your life means to us, your son’s and your daughter’s. Every victory, every accomplishment, and every successful relationship in our life will have a paper trail back to your example in ours.

“Thank you so very much”
God Bless You,
Your Son’s and Daughter’s.
Until the Next Time,

Prophet Kathie

Friday, May 27, 2016

“It’s Just A Thought”

        I believe that God has desire for ALL of His children to do well in life. The scripture godliness and contentment equals great gain explains how we should strive for inner grace to live a great life. Problems will come, distractions caused by pain, loss or failure, will certainly invade our personal space. However, if we persist in our daily life to attain the presence of God in our mind we will follow a great heritage of Jesus Christ and His power. Our gain is the inner eternal peace of “Be still and know I am God”.

        As we walk through life may we continue to ask the Lord to keep us in perfect peace. Our mind being renewed is imperative to a life well lived. Our mind, eyes, ears, mouth and heart, are the gate-keeper’s to our soul. They need to be stabilized by the Word of God, great discipline and healthy relationships. Our strength is in God, however we must maintain healthy habits. So let us consider the following;

·             Please don’t waste your energy on feeling sorry for yourself. Lose track of your hard days. By all means allow yourself the absolute benefit of healing. Do not however keep rehearsing all the bad days. Look to the horizon for the “Best is yet to come”. Hardship is inevitable, feeling sorry for ourselves is a choice. Learn the absolute grace in being grateful.

·        Please don’t give away your power. You can’t be a victim and mentally strong; that’s impossible. Don’t give others power over you. No one has the power over the way you think, feel or behave. Empower your choices by realizing your making them.

·        Never feel you are owed your success in life. Neither are you owed failures. We can be sure that both will come. If we learn to enjoy our wonderful savior and the benefits of a relationship with Him, we can stay in His love. Stay focused on doing the one thing daily needed to keep us moving in our faith, not our doubt and unbelief.

·        God is in our side and always will be.

        Every day of our life is a gift from Him. No matter what, believe our God will always cover us and keep us all the days of our life!

Until Next Time,

Prophet Kathie