Thursday, December 20, 2018

                      “Just A Thought”
             Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

For the past several weeks driving home from the office I have enjoyed many beautiful Christmas decorations. It seems this year the homes, business centers, church’s and the like have really amped up their efforts to delight because the sparkle, twinkle and color is so amazing! Color is magic! It invokes beautiful emotions and splendid memories. As I drive home my mind is full of Christmas past. So grateful for family, friends and being graced with the revelation of what Christmas really means.

Although this year has presented it’s fair share of challenges for so many, God has not changed. He remains our stability in life and the steadfast love that we all so need. His presence is available to us anytime, anywhere and it is given to us all in abundance. As we celebrate the joy of Christ coming to earth and changing the trajectory of mankind, may we humble ourselves to receive a new impartation of His presence. God wants us to realize a new, new, new, birthing of revival has an appointment with mankind. Just like the Sheppard’s, wise men, angels, Mary and Joseph came to their destination at the appointed time to welcome Christ, we too are being drawn to our special time. Perceive what is coming and know this; God is not slack in His promises to us.

Yes, the lights and decorations are beautiful this year. They are sending a message of hope if we choose to see it. Celebration is here and as the church becomes brighter with the presence of Christ, our light will glow for the lonely traveler who needs a place called home. God is ready, let’s do our part and become containers for a massive shout of hope for those who so need it. Hope you have a beautiful Christmas and may the warmth of love given so freely by our Father through Christ, warm our hearts for the New Year ahead!

Merry Christmas!
Prophet Kathie

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Just A Thought”

Are any of you in a place called Transition? It is where you define an ending and are reaching for a new beginning. Being moved by Godly circumstances you may be in full agreement with the change. However, with going forward, it does present some new challenges. Not the least of which is, “we have never been here before.” Though, we cannot fully see our new position, we know, we are in too deep to turn back now. So, we utilize everything we have learned to this point and exercise our faith to believe God has “got” this and if we just trust in His ability, we know we can have this!

Our lives can become so entangled in problems, struggles, and shortages, we can become paralyzed with indecision. Therefore, our questions can be very impactful and sometimes we just do not see the answers. This is not our fault, but none the less, it is our problem to see changed. Above all else, refuse to accept your current condition as normal. You have cried, prayed, fasted, submitted and you now must be fully confident that God Almighty has your back.

As we remain teachable and learn our lessons, remain open to all that is around us, we listen better, respond with accuracy and realize nothing can remain the same that is given to the Lord. You cannot be in His presence without changing.

Life is not a quest of successes or failures, but rather; Am I learning? So, in the times of transition we should be asking what do I need to be learning? What should I be focused on? As I take the steps forward, I loose my fears of the unknown. They are replaced with a new strength of “I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me.”

The world is in a bit of a mess. Pride is rampant and so many leaders are blinded. Our fellowship’s have become more socially conscience instead of God centered. Our hope is in this dying system and not in the will of our Father. If the church would get her center right again and be motivated to see Heaven come to earth, we would all be so healed!! Amos declares; “The days are coming, that a famine shall be sent to the land. Not of bread or water, but of hearing the words of the Lord.” The beauty of not knowing everything about your new season is this, God does! When we are squeezed through the eye of the needle, we must trust, trust, trust! “We look deeper, pray longer, hope till the answer comes. We refuse to run from place to place looking for a quick fix. No, we stand on the Rock of all Ages, knowing He holds us in the palm of His hand. Nothing will in any way harm my faith in God. Why? Because I know, you know, we all know he can do it Again, Again, and Again!

This is a time of birthing destiny. Stay in the Word, stay focused on His presence, remain loyal to your God, Your family and yourself. Don’t quit, Don’t get behind, Don’t settle! God has great outpouring’s scheduled for us! Revival, Revival, Revival! Pray for it, See it, Embrace it. Your transition is bringing you to your destined place in God.

God Bless You,
Prophet Kathie

Thursday, July 12, 2018

“It’s Just A Thought”

   May Blessings, Grace and Peace be your portion now and forever.
    For several weeks I have chosen to sit, be still and get a real moment by moment cadence with Jesus Christ! Like you, the abundance of white noise has been at times deafening. So many voices clamoring for attention. At times it becomes obnoxious. I figured no one needed anything from me until there really was an encouraging word from Heaven.

   To be sure, we are living in very complicated times, yet God is well able to sort through the chatter and give you and I a sure word. He is waiting for us to “cry out” for His presence. His joy is really a cup of living water. His word is fresh bread to a starving soul. He quietly waits for His people to get in a serious posture of waiting on Him, while maintaining a heart of courage. He waits for His people to lift a hand toward Him, knowing full well He has everything under control. Time, places, relationships, our next breath is all in His control. His heart is the only place, to hear correctly and be revived.

   While I can appreciate being able to work for and with God, I am acutely aware being busy does not mean being spiritual. Sometimes busyness actually robs us of intimacy with our beautiful Savior. In that personal, sacred space, between you and your Lord a transfer of healthy spiritual exchange takes place and in that connection, we can take another step forward.

   If you are feeling a little frustrated with life right now, hold on, Jesus will reward you with an abundance of truth. Frustration can get us out of sync with the Holy Spirit or it can draw us deeper to Christ. He has all peace and answers to the complexity of our life. Working through your questions, dark nights, loneliness, and being misunderstood is what Christ excels in guiding us through. He has promised to never leave us alone, stranded on the island of no answers. There is a “WORD OF THE LORD” for you dear one. It may sound selfish, especially if you are a giver, to take large portions of your week to engage in prayer and worship with Christ. However, don’t entertain that thought. It is a beautiful time for you, who love God to get re-calibrated in Him. From that place, rivers of living water will again flow, manna will be in abundance, your life will be refreshed and your fruit from life will be satisfying.

    Revival is held in our heart. It may physically manifest in a location, but first and foremost it needs to be produced within a human soul. God is listening to your cry. He hears you and His people at large all over the world ! People everywhere are asking the important questions; “Who am I?”, “Why am I here?” Our church is experiencing new visitations, from the Lord, and we are endeavoring to follow Him wherever He leads us.

    As I write this, one of our Elders was healed during our office day. Yes, God interrupted our office busyness to heal His daughter! God can do anything, anytime, anywhere, He is not restricted by time or space. I can hear the sound of rain, it is coming to us friend and God is getting all the glory. Let Him have His way, re-calibrate and watch how God brings total restoration of His truth and presence to your life.

Pray for the Rain,
Prophet Kathie

Thursday, February 8, 2018

“It’s Just A Thought”

No matter where you may find yourself these days it is obvious that; “Times’ they are a changing”. It is, as if, our world is sliding into the sea of insanity. No peace, no joy, no lasting solutions. Fear is the order of the day and hateful speech has replaced kind words.

I have always been so grateful for my Christian Values. The Word is a guide and light to my soul. However, I am more grateful than ever for the love of church family and my relationship with Christ. Each week, our sanctuary is full of loving hugs, warm smiles, and knowing who ever may be at the pulpit, we will all hear a steady dialogue of faith filled words declaring Jesus Christ is the answer to our problems.  We all serve a God who is completely devoted to helping us climb higher than we ever thought possible. He provides us with His divine counsel to achieve our seeming impossibilities in life. His love demonstrated through His people helps us to focus on what so ever is good, lovely and a good report. The negativity we continue to hear and see is replaced by the inspiring uplifting presence of Godliness. As darkness covers the systems of power in the world, it is refreshing to feel the church rising to her occasion. Men, women, young adults, reaching for the Lord to help others find Him too. After all our faith must reach beyond ourselves, our needs, our dreams, to extend and give away what so freely has been given to us.

How difficult must it be to live day after day with no real hope of anything getting better? The fragility of life can change a person forever. Without a hope in the forever with God, how can you expect people to keep pressing on? As we continue our Pilgrims Progress through 2018 may we continue to pray. Pray for the gospel to reach new in-roads. Pray for our spiritual family as never before to be inspired to live a life worthy of our call. “Forgetting those things that are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. I press, (we press) toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14.

Keep loving God, let God keep leading you and let’s keep loving, encouraging, helping one another. The world is waiting for us to show them how life can be so rewarding.

Beloved, let us love one another.
Until The Next Time,

Prophet Kathie