Thursday, December 20, 2018

                      “Just A Thought”
             Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

For the past several weeks driving home from the office I have enjoyed many beautiful Christmas decorations. It seems this year the homes, business centers, church’s and the like have really amped up their efforts to delight because the sparkle, twinkle and color is so amazing! Color is magic! It invokes beautiful emotions and splendid memories. As I drive home my mind is full of Christmas past. So grateful for family, friends and being graced with the revelation of what Christmas really means.

Although this year has presented it’s fair share of challenges for so many, God has not changed. He remains our stability in life and the steadfast love that we all so need. His presence is available to us anytime, anywhere and it is given to us all in abundance. As we celebrate the joy of Christ coming to earth and changing the trajectory of mankind, may we humble ourselves to receive a new impartation of His presence. God wants us to realize a new, new, new, birthing of revival has an appointment with mankind. Just like the Sheppard’s, wise men, angels, Mary and Joseph came to their destination at the appointed time to welcome Christ, we too are being drawn to our special time. Perceive what is coming and know this; God is not slack in His promises to us.

Yes, the lights and decorations are beautiful this year. They are sending a message of hope if we choose to see it. Celebration is here and as the church becomes brighter with the presence of Christ, our light will glow for the lonely traveler who needs a place called home. God is ready, let’s do our part and become containers for a massive shout of hope for those who so need it. Hope you have a beautiful Christmas and may the warmth of love given so freely by our Father through Christ, warm our hearts for the New Year ahead!

Merry Christmas!
Prophet Kathie