Sunday, May 10, 2015

                    “It’s Just A Thought”
                     Happy Mother’s Day
“Happy Mother’s Day”! I always thought what a nice gesture that a day was set apart to honor Mother’s. When I was a young woman, and my mom was alive, I worked real hard to find a pretty card and a “special” gift. After all it seemed if nothing else, when I became a mother I could expect the same kind gestures from my children. You know, what goes around, comes around!

So, as mothers, we seem to be in an elite group. After all, men can’t understand or experience giving birth. They can watch us do it, but never will they have the knowing of it. We learn as mother’s to multi task, or so we think. Actually many projects can be in front of us but we can only tackle one at a time. Of course if 20 different duties face us, one at a time, or all at once, that’s a lot of yada we are dealing with. Then, we make sure our little ones have all they need. Get them where they need to be and try as hard as we can to be on time. Teaching our lovely offspring the importance of being prompt. Don’t forget proper nutrition. Help with the homework, wiping their tears because recess was stressful. You know, your child forgot to bring the jump rope for designated play time. A good lunch always goes a long way. However, you just realized your child is at school and the lunch you made is sitting on the kitchen counter! Oh, boy, another trip to the principal’s office. You now are in a fast track to get to your job on time.

Homework is always a great bonding time. Of course you wonder “What are they doing in school?” If all this homework has to be done before bedtime and after dinner, who has the time? Dinner being the family time of refreshing and re-calibrating for each member. Oh but you forgot, soccer practice and tennis. Dinner will be a little bit on the late side this evening. So it goes. Doctor appointments, trips to the dentist. Sleep-overs, proms, graduations, pep-talks, haircuts, shoe shopping, vacations and oh yes, lots and lots of hugs and kisses.

Through the years, many of us have travelled through the various experiences of “mother-hood”. Some have been great, others not so much. However, we are women so we press on to do the very best for our family. We love till it hurts. Give understanding, when we are not sure understanding exists. We offer our last dime to make our son’s or daughter’s dreams come true. Children grow to become adults and carry on in their life and provide you one day with grandchildren. Of course they are our precious gifts made just for loving because all the other things they need, are being handled by their parents. That is the joy of seeing our children grow in stature, wisdom and truth. They pass it on to the next generation.

Looking back, I’m so delighted for taking care of my mom. I’m blessed to have been able to have 2 sons. Which by the way, have kept the circle intact. They have been so exceptionally kind and generous to me as their mother. As women and moms, we teach RELATIONSHIP. Every break down in society, every stumbling block and every pain in life, results in a breaking of relationship. So, our greatest reward is to see our children treating others with love and respect. Oh and yes, whoever put “Mother’s Day” on the calendar “Good Job”. It must have been a grateful son or daughter!  “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

Wishing you a beautiful day.
Happy Mother’s Day!
You are so deserving…

Prophet Kathie

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